New Deal – Special Edition
In accordance with Article XIII of the Local 1000 Bylaws, the following proposals to amend the Local 1000 Bylaws will be voted on at the November 8, 2019 Membership meeting at the Crowne Plaza Stamford in Stamford, Connecticut. Please note that cross through lines indicate proposed deletion of language, while underlined language indicates proposed new language. A short explanation is provided below each proposed change in italics.
There are nine proposed changes. The first eight have been proposed by the Executive Board of Local 1000. The final proposed change was submitted by member John O’Connor.
1. Proposed: To amend Article IV, Section 7 as follows:
Section 7(a). The Executive Board shall meet three times a year which dates and times shall become effective upon publication in the official journal of the Union. Four members of the Board shall constitute a quorum. All meetings of the Board shall be open to members in good standing of the Union, provided, however, that executive sessions may be held at any time by a vote of the Board. The conduct of all Board meetings shall be as set forth in Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section 7(b). The Executive Board shall exercise general supervision of the interests, affairs, publications and assets of the Union, pass upon all applications for membership, approve all expenditures of the union and direct the Secretary-Treasurer as to in what bank(s) or other financial institution(s) moneys of the local are to be deposited, including investment of surplus or idle funds.
Section 7(c). The Executive Board shall have the power to adopt policies, rules and procedures supplementing these Bylaws as it may deem proper. These policies, rules and procedures shall have equal force and effect with the Bylaws. The Executive Board may, from time to time, repeal, change, or amend any of these policies, rules, and procedures.
This clarifies the board’s role in setting policy for the local and sets in writing the current practice.
2. Proposed: To amend Article V, Section 2 as follows:
Section 1. In conformity with the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959, as amended, the membership from time to time shall establish initiation fees, reinstatement fees, membership dues, assessments and dues based on earnings, payment of which shall be required to become and remain a member in good standing.
Section 2. Any changes or establishment of membership dues, local initiation fees, reinstatement fees, assessments and dues based on earnings (work dues) may be presented at any membership meeting by a committee appointed by the President, and voted upon by members present at such meeting provided proposed changes appear in the official journal of the Union at least a month previous to such meeting. Proposed changes shall be enacted by majority vote of the members voting by secret ballot at such meeting or by majority vote of the members voting in a membership referendum conducted by secret ballot. provided the proposed changes appear in the official journal of the Union at least a month previous to such meeting.
These proposed changes re-organize this section of the by-laws for clarity.
3. Proposed: To amend Article V, Section 3(a) as follows:
Article V
Section 3(a). All members shall pay annual membership dues of $177. Dues may be paid quarterly at a rate equivalent to one-quarter of the annual dues plus $2.50 $5.00 per quarter.
This proposed change would increase the surcharge on quarterly dues to $5 per quarter
4. Proposed: To amend Article V, Section 3(a) as follows:
Article V
Section 5. The Executive Board will be authorized to set fees according to Section 3 and 4 of this article in the equivalent Canadian exchange rate for Canadian members.
This proposed change clarifies that the board’s authority in this extends to both Section 3 and 4 of the article.
5. Proposed: To amend the Bylaws by adding a new article, as follows:
Section 1. The Executive Board, sub-committees or other assemblies (other than Membership Meetings) established by these Bylaws may conduct meetings by electronic means only if members of the body unanimously agree to the conducting of a meeting by electronic means. Absent such agreement, the meeting may not be held electronically.
Section 2. An ad-hoc subordinate body may conduct its meetings by electronic means only if so authorized by the Executive Board.
Section 3. A meeting held by electronic means must utilize a technology that permits simultaneous aural communication amongst the participants, e.g., telephone, videoconferencing, Skype, etc.
Section 4(a). All members of the body must have reasonable access to and comfort with the technology utilized, and
Section 4(b). Any member of the body who agrees to let the meeting take place without that member’s full participation agrees to abide by any decisions and actions that take place in that meeting. Any member who elects not to participate shall be deemed absent from the meeting.
Section 5. Each body desiring to conduct a meeting electronically must first adopt special rules for the conduct of the meeting, e.g. how participants are recognized and obtain the floor, how motions will be entertained (including subsidiary and incidental motions), how discussions will be moderated (the rules must permit each participant the opportunity to speak at least twice on each agenda item), and how voting will be conducted. Secret ballot or absentee voting is not possible or permitted in an electronic meeting.
Section 6. If unanimously agreed upon, the Executive Board may conduct votes by email poll on any one particular matter and without discussion, and bring that vote result to the next board meeting for ratification and incorporation into the minutes. Even if a majority vote is obtained on a between-meeting vote, if two Executive Board members ask for a question to be held for the following Executive Board meeting, the email vote must be set aside and included on the agenda for the next Executive Board meeting.
These proposed changes set out the terms for Local 1000 to conduct meetings via electronic means.
6. Proposed: To amend Article VII, as follows:
Section 1. Regular meetings of the membership, known as “General Meetings Membership meetings,” shall be held at least three times per year on dates and at times and locations as determined by the Executive Board. The Board shall rotate the sites of meetings during the course of a year in order to provide to as many union members in as many regions of the continent as practical an opportunity to attend such meetings.
Section 2(a). The Executive Board shall be authorized to enable members to participate in membership meetings remotely by electronic means. A membership meeting incorporating electronic means of participation must utilize a technology that permits simultaneous aural communication amongst the participants, e.g., telephone, videoconferencing, Skype, etc. The Executive Board shall decide on the technology to be utilized.
Section 2(b). The Executive Board shall adopt rules of order designed to allow the orderly conduct of membership meetings and to enable and foster the participation of the members in the deliberative process as though all members were physically present in the same room. Toward that end, the President, with the approval of the Executive Board, shall designate a meeting facilitator to assist members who wish to obtain the floor to speak, and for the conduct of any voting except as noted in Section 2(c), below. An assistant may be a member of the Executive Board or other member in good standing of the Local.
Section 2(c). No matter before the membership that requires a secret ballot vote shall be acted upon at a meeting that incorporates electronic participation. Any matter requiring a secret ballot vote, after having been presented and discussed at such a meeting, shall be decided by a secret ballot referendum of the membership following the meeting at which it was discussed. The Executive Board shall adopt policies, rules and procedures to ensure that such balloting is conducted in a timely manner and in such a way as to guarantee ballot secrecy.
Section 23. A quorum of 2% of the general membership must be in attendance at a General Meeting Membership meeting for the meeting to be called to order or continued.
Section 34. If at any General Meeting Membership meeting a quorum is not achieved, the Executive Board shall immediately convene in special session and have authority to act upon any items on the agenda of such meeting, unless otherwise provided for in these Bylaws, consistent with applicable provisions of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959, as amended.
Section 45. The conduct and procedures of all General Meeting Membership meetings shall be as set forth in Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section 56. Only Active, Inactive, Provisional and Transfer members may attend General Meetings Membership meetings. Exceptions may be made by the express approval of the meeting. Each full
member in good standing must sign an attendance sheet and may be required at any time to present his or her membership card indicating his or her good standing with the Union. Inactive, Provisional and Transfer members shall have voice but no vote, and may be required to sit in a separate area.
These proposed changes standardize our use of the term “Membership meeting” throughout the by-laws.
They also provide for participation in Membership meetings by electronic means. If a secret ballot is required at a meeting with electronic participants, the actual vote will be conducted after the meeting in order to maintain secrecy for all participants.
7. Proposed: To amend Article VIII, as follows:
Section 1. Minimum wage scales and working conditions for engagements represented by this Union shall be established or adjusted by the International Executive Board of the AFM, in accordance with the Bylaws of the AFM.
Section 2. The Union shall vote upon proposals to modify minimum wage scales and working conditions at the first general Membership meeting of the year, the results of which vote shall be forwarded to the International Executive Board as advisory.
Section 3. The Secretary-Treasurer shall maintain and make available to all members a current minimum wage scale list.
This proposed change standardizes our use of the term “Membership meetings” throughout the by-laws.
8. Proposed: To amend Article XII, Section 1, as follows:
Section 1. Delegates to the triennial AFM Convention (and alternates for those Delegates who may be unable to attend the sessions) shall be elected at a regular or special membership meetings or at regular or special elections, but in any event by secret ballot. In the event there is no opposition for the Delegate position(s), the unopposed Delegate candidate(s) shall be declared elected by acclamation, and no secret ballot shall be required. At least 15 days prior to the election of Delegates, notice of the election shall be mailed sent by the Local to the last known home address most recent contact of each member in good standing. Elections in violation of this law are null and void. In the event there is no opposition for the Delegate position(s), the unopposed Delegate candidate(s) shall be declared elected by acclamation, and no secret ballot shall be required.
This proposed change allows for electronic communications with members and re-organizes this section of the by-laws for clarity and consistency.
9. Proposed: To amend Article V, Section 3(a) as follows:
Article V
Section 3(a). All members shall pay annual membership dues of $177. Dues may be paid quarterly at a rate equivalent to one-quarter of the annual dues plus $2.50 per quarter. Not withstanding the above, annual dues for US residents as of January 1, 2020 shall be raised to $188. Beginning January 1, 2021, annual dues for US residents shall be raised to $200. Beginning January 1, 2022, annual dues for US residents shall be raised to $210. Annual dues for Canadian residents as of January 1, 2020 shall be raised to $180. Beginning January 1, 2021, annual dues for Canadian residents shall be raised to $185. Beginning January 1, 2022, annual dues for Canadian residents shall be raised to $190. Any changes or establishment of membership dues, local initiation fees, reinstatement fees, assessments and dues based on earnings (work dues) may be presented at any membership meeting by a committee appointed by the President and voted upon by members present at such meeting, provided the proposed changes appear in the official journal of the Union at least a month previous to such meeting.
This amendment, proposed by member John O’Connor, would raise membership dues over the next three years. It incorporates a differentiated increase for Canadian members to recognize the impact of the U.S. exchange rate on our Canadian members.