Local 1000 September 2017 Newsletter
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
This is our regular monthly email newsletter that goes out to everyone in the first week of each month. It includes reminders, member news and important announcements from the Executive Board and the office.
News from the Executive Board
Local 1000 at NERFA: Upcoming Membership Meeting and Elections
Elections for President, Vice President from Canada, and Midwest Regional Representative will be held during our upcoming Fall Membership Meeting, for three-year terms beginning in January 2018.
The Fall Membership Meeting will take place at NERFA in Stamford, CT at 10am EST on Friday, November 10th. The exact location will be announced soon. We will also be hosting our popular Showcase Free Zones.
NERFA is once again providing registration discounts for Local 1000 members. Contact us at together@local1000.org for the discount code.
If you are interested in running or would like to nominate a candidate, please contact our office and the Nominations Committee Chair, John O’Connor at nominations@local1000.org
September Cyber Union Call – “Getting More Value from your Union Membership”
There are lots of reasons why we each belong to AFM Local 1000. One of those reasons is the ability to benefit from the filing of a Union Contract. If you are not filing contracts for work performed in which you are paid at least Local 1000 scale wages, this call is for you. If you stopped filing because you think the process is too hard, this call is for you. If you want to contribute to the AFM Employer’s Pension Plan and build a solid retirement vehicle, this call is for you. If you want Union protection if something happens with your gig, this call is for you. If you want to build a stronger Local so that we can better serve YOU, this call is for you!
Debra Cowan will take us through the ins and outs of filling out the LS-1 form for Single Engagements. We’ll discuss each part of the form that needs to be filled in along with dos and don’ts of using the LS-1. There will be times for questions and answers to help you understand the LS-1.
We hope you will join us!
Topic: Understanding and filing your LS-1 contracts-Debra Cowan, Guest Speaker. Aaron Fowler, Facilitator
Time: Sep 19, 2017 8:00 PM Central Standard Time (US and Canada)
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/952150160
Or iPhone one-tap:
US: +16465588656,,952150160# or +16699006833,,952150160#
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 646 558 8656 or +1 669 900 6833
Canadian: +1 647 558 0588
Meeting ID: 952 150 160
International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=cs6-a2Aw3hrqu7g8B-y7TQdh_9TUrhXG
Join Us On Facebook!
Did you know Local 1000 has TWO Facebook profiles? Here is a brief rundown.
This page is our outward-facing, public page meant for anyone interested in or supportive of Local 1000. Members are welcome to join this page, and you can also invite your friends to join if they want information about what Local 1000 is up to.
This group is for members of Local 1000, and is meant as a forum where we can discuss issues of importance to members. It’s a great place to network with other members, post questions, share significant career accomplishments and have discussions about the union. We would love to see more members join this group!
Request to Join Unions Against Fracking
Local 1000’s support has been requested by Unions Against Fracking. We as the Exec Board believe that we shouldn’t take a stance on this publicly without the input of our members.
Their Statement is available here: http://unionsagainstfracking.org/the-statement/
Are you in favor of Local 1000 joining the Unions Against Fracking Movement? Please share your opinion in our poll on Facebook
SWRFA Showcase Free Zone: We still need Volunteers!
We are very excited to announce that, for the second year in a row, Local 1000 is working with the Southwest Regional Folk Alliance (SWRFA) to provide a Showcase Free Zone at this year’s SWRFA Conference, as well as to include a panel room to make union representatives available to answer your questions. SWRFA will take place in Austin, TX, Sept. 27th – Oct. 1st, 2017.
We are still looking for Showcase Free Zone hosts. If you are interested in hosting an hour – or several – please e-mail our Western Representative, Gary Paul Hermus at repwest@local1000.org with your name, e-mail, area of interest, and any time preferences or restrictions which you may have.
We look forward to hearing from you and to having a grand old time together at this years’ SWRFA Convention in Austin!
Folk Alliance International Conference 2018
We are pleased to share that Folk Alliance International has once again offered discounted registration to their annual conference for members of Local 1000.
The code gives members of Local 1000 $75 off the price of an individual registration until Jan 29th, 2018. If the member of Local 1000 is also a member of FAI, and they log into their member profile, then they will get the $100 FAI Member discount + $75 for Local 1000.
Please contact our office at together@local1000.org for the discount code.
MPTF MusicianFest Program Funding Opportunity
We recently announced that Local 1000 has been granted the opportunity to fund 5 performances under the MPTF’s MusicianFest program. We still have one spot available!
The MPTF (Music Performance Trust Fund) presents thousands of live, admission-free musical programs annually in the United States and Canada. It is funded by royalties from record labels and is sponsored by the AFM and the record labels.
Read more about this program in our July 2017 Newsletter and learn more about applying for MPTF grants here: http://www.musicpf.org/mptf_apply.html
Work Dues Equivalency – Set Up An Automatic Monthly Payment!
Are you filing union contracts? If not, please help sustain Local 1000 by automatically paying a small monthly amount every month on your credit card. It’s simple, easy, and effective.
Each time you file a union contract through Local 1000, you pay 2.5% in work dues to the local. Your work dues are the juice that keeps the office running. However, only 20% of our members file union contracts, which means we don’t always have the financial resources we need to work effectively for you.
At our recent Executive Board meeting at Folk Alliance, your board re-committed to “paying our dues,” and those who are not filing union contracts set up an AUTOMATIC MONTHLY PAYMENT for work dues equivalency on our credit cards by phoning Richard in the office. It took less than 5 minutes.
Scale for one gig at a regular venue is $230. 2.5% work dues on that fee is $5.75, or $69 per year. Consider supporting your union by paying $5.75 a month to Local 1000 automatically on your credit card.
You can set up your own monthly payment in minutes by calling Richard in the office at (212) 843-8726 (Tues & Thurs, 10 am – 6 pm). All it takes is your credit card information and a few minutes of your time.
Emergency Relief Fund
Please consider helping your brothers and sisters who may need assistance in the near future by making a small contribution to the ERF when you renew your membership or go to www.Local1000.org and make your donation. $5 or $10 dollars will go a long way if enough members make donations.
Canadian Corner
Canadian Cheques
As posted in the last few newsletters, we are no longer accepting payment by Canadian cheque. Canadian members can pay by credit card or PayPal. Please contact Eve at vicepresidentcanada@local1000.org or the office at together@local1000.org if you have any questions or concerns.
P2 Situation Updates
The processing time for P2 applications has come down and the CFM is now advising Canadian members applying for P2 visas to get their application in at least 75 days before the first engagement.
If you are applying, please make sure you download the latest application, which can be found here:
English: http://www.cfmusicians.org/services/work-permits
French: http://www.cfmusicians.org/services/permis-de-travail
Please contact Canadian VP Eve Goldberg or the CFM for more information.
Local 1000 Membership Update
New and Reinstated Members
We are excited to welcome the following new and recently reinstated members to Local 1000!
Douglas Cox | Theo Mitchell-Penner |
Rayna Farr | Gilberto Moretti-Hamilton |
Liam Fennecken | John Pitera |
Carson Hodges | Theodora Silverman |
Alex Louis | Aiden Villa |
Nancy Mike | Alexander Wong |
September Birthdays
Finally, we would like to wish the following members Happy Birthday! If your birthday falls in September and you don’t see it listed below, or if the date is incorrect, please send an email to our Birthday Bunny, Deborah Van Kleef with your birthdate, current phone number and email address.
09/01 Valdy Horsdal
09/02 Will McCutcheon 09/02 Linda Tillery 09/03 James Hill 09/05 Andrea Beaton 09/05 Tafari Anthony Davis 09/05 Kaia Kater-Hurst 09/05 Edward Mitchell 09/07 Teresa Chandler 09/10 David Heitler-Klevans 09/10 Suzanne Jaroszynski 09/11 William Garrett 09/11 Hank Woji 09/12 Adrian Passarelli 09/13 Joel Mabus 09/14 Elise Witt 09/15 Rosalyn Dennett 09/15 Elijah McKenty 09/15 William Meadows 09/17 Terry Irons 09/17 Joel Schwartz 09/18 Peter Alsop |
09/19 Sally Rogers
09/19 Keith Grimwood 09/20 Andre Blais 09/21 Doug Cox 09/22 Scott Ainslie 09/23 Harry Aceto 09/23 Ralph Agresta 09/23 Ani DiFranco 09/23 Jason Mercer 09/23 Tony Nguyen 09/23 Susan Robinson 09/24 William Kidman 09/24 Carol Young 09/25 Joshua Davis 09/25 Stacey Earle 09/26 Gerald Ross 09/27 Janet Turner 09/28 Gabriel Kahn 09/28 Sue Massek 09/29 Dan Crary 09/30 Kevin Harvey |
In Solidarity,
AFM Local 1000