Local 1000 November 2017 Newsletter
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
This is our regular monthly email newsletter that goes out to everyone in the first week of each month. It includes reminders, member news and important announcements from the Executive Board and the office.
News from the Executive Board
The Fall Membership Meeting will take place during the NERFA conference at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 2701 Summer Street, Stamford, CT at 10am EST on Friday, November 10th. The meeting will take place in the Twain Room.
NEW! We will be broadcasting the membership meeting by Zoom conference call so you can phone in or log in from wherever you are.
Here are the login details:
Time: Nov 10, 2017 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/278650417
Or iPhone one-tap: US: +16699006833,,278650417# or +16465588656,,278650417#
Or Telephone: For higher quality, dial a number based on your current location:
US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 558 8656
Canada: +1 647 558 0588
Meeting ID: 278 650 417
International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=Deq-Y7qcZMS7cxEYfYjCOflr_puNua4X
Nominations for the Board
There are three positions that will be coming open on the Local 1000 board: President, Vice President From Canada, and Midwest Representative.
The nominating committee is charged to ensure there is at least one nominee for each open position, and they have brought forward the following candidates:
President: Eve Goldberg
Vice President From Canada: Kevin Corbett
Midwest Representative: Amber Rogers-Clark
Nominations are open until the end of the call for nominations at the Fall 2017 Local 1000 Membership Meeting. Nominations may be made from the floor of the meeting, or by contacting our Nominations Committee Chair, John O’Connor at nominations@local1000.org
In addition to holding our fall membership meeting at NERFA, Local 1000 will once again host our popular Showcase Free Zones! Here is the SFZ schedule:
- Friday 11:45pm – The Malvinas: “Women and Resistance”
- Saturday (Friday late night) 1:00 AM – Bev Grant: “The Women’s Circle”
- Saturday 11:45pm – David Roth: “What’s Going On – Songs for Personal and Global Change”
- Sunday (Saturday late night) 1:00 AM – Emma’s Revolution: “Music for the Resistance”
We will also have a table in the exhibit hall. Stop by and say hello!
NERFA has generously offered registration discounts for Local 1000 members. Contact us at together@local1000.org for the discount code.
Single Engagement Contracts
Want Union protection for your booked gigs? For performances in the US, you can use the LS-1, but there is another Union contract that you can use called the AFM T2. Like the LS-1, this is a fillable .pdf document that you can use in addition to your own agreement and rider or as a stand-alone contract. The difference is that the LS-1 is used for AFM Employer’s Pension Fund contributions. The T2 does not include provisions for pension contributions, but is still an AFM approved contract. Copies of these documents can be found and downloaded from the website here.
For performances in Canada, you can use the LPCC contract which can be downloaded here.
The LS-1, the T2, and the LPCC are for single engagements such as concerts, festivals, clubs, and house concerts. By using these contracts, you have the legal protection of your Union behind you and you are supporting Local 1000 through work dues. The Union has your back!
Union Recording Contacts for Canadian Members with Ken Whiteley – November Cyber Union Call
Don’t do another recording until you participate in the November Cyber Union call! If you want to earn more money from your recordings, be able to make a pension contribution on the project and strengthen the Union this call will be very helpful. Join Ken Whiteley as he shares his experience and knowledge on filing out, filing and making lots of money on his recording contracts.
Here are the login details:
Time: Nov 21, 2017 9:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/109303577
Or iPhone one-tap:
US: +16699006833,,109303577# or +16465588656,,109303577#
Or Telephone: For higher quality, dial a number based on your current location:
US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 558 8656
Canada: +1 647 558 0588
Meeting ID: 109 303 577
International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=u-wcXdeqaBlZMto2LMFNDAu8XPVqzlX3
Local 1000 Partners with Standing O Project to Raise Money for Emergency Relief Fund
We are pleased to partner with the Standing ‘O’ Project to offer a “fair trade” music-streaming platform to our members!
The Standing ‘O’ Project is an online streaming community created by the folks at the public radio program, Art of the Song. The project was developed as a way to help musicians connect with fans and for fans to support musicians financially.
This new business model pays artists for inviting fans into the community, not for how many streams they get. When an artist gets a fan to subscribe for $5, $10, or $20 a month (a pay-what-you-can model), a full 50% goes directly back to the artist every month. In a time when most streaming services pay only a fraction of a penny per play, the Standing ‘O’ Project is an excellent way for artists to share their music and create a meaningful revenue stream.
Standing ‘O’ Project membership is free for artists.
When you join with this link https://yi117.isrefer.com/go/artist/local1000/ the folks at Standing ‘O’ will contribute 10% (out of their share) to the Local 1000 Emergency Relief Fund.
It was good to see many Local 1000 members at the Folk Music Ontario Conference in Mississauga. Canadian VP Eve Goldberg had the opportunity to speak to many members, and a number of potential members, and we held an informal gathering on Saturday night in the hotel restaurant, a chance for us to meet each other and get to know who else is in our local. If you are interested in helping organize more Local 1000 activities at next year’s FMO, please get in touch with Eve at vicepresidentcanada@local1000.org.
Folk Alliance International Conference 2018 and Local 1000 Membership Drive
We are excited to share that we will be waiving initiation fees for new members joining between January 1 – March 31, 2018, in connection with our organizing activities around the Folk Alliance International Conference!
We are also pleased to share that Folk Alliance International has once again offered discounted registration to their annual conference for members of Local 1000.
The code gives members of Local 1000 $75 off the price of an individual registration until Jan 29th, 2018. If the member of Local 1000 is also a member of FAI, and they log into their member profile, then they will get the $100 FAI Member discount + $75 for Local 1000.
Please contact our office at together@local1000.org for the discount code.
Canadian Corner
New Canadian Contract
Do you file union contracts for your gigs? There is a new version of the LPCC (for performances in Canada) available here. Please use this version of the LPCC going forward.
If you don’t file contracts, why not?! Contact Local 1000 Canadian VP Eve Goldberg to find out how you can have the protection of the union and contribute to a pension!
P2 Updates
The CFM is raising the administration fee for processing of P2 visas. The new fee is $120 for the first musician/technician and $25 per additional musician/technician. The increase is being implemented gradually and the CFM office will accept the old fee until the new year.
The processing time for P2 applications has come down and the CFM is now advising Canadian members applying for P2 visas to get their application in at least 75 days before the first engagement.
If you are applying, please make sure you download the latest application, which can be found here:
English: http://www.cfmusicians.org/services/work-permits
French: http://www.cfmusicians.org/services/permis-de-travail
Please contact Canadian VP Eve Goldberg or the CFM for more information.
Local 1000 Membership Update
We are excited to welcome the following new and recently reinstated members to Local 1000!
New and Reinstated Members
Michael Archer
Andy Cohen
Andrew Marzotto
November Birthdays
Finally, we would like to wish the following members Happy Birthday! If your birthday falls in November and you don’t see it listed below, or if the date is incorrect, please send an email to our Birthday Bunny, Deborah Van Kleef with your birthdate, current phone number and email address.
11/02 Jay Mankita
11/02 Patricia Wynne 11/03 Judith Kate Friedman 11/04 Alan Munde 11/07 James Watson 11/08 Colin Savoie-Levac 11/08 Stephan “Brook” Schoenfield 11/08 David Whyte 11/10 Hal Brolund 11/10 Dana Robinson 11/11 Chris Smither 11/11 Bruce Barthol 11/13 Jonathan Byrd 11/13 Scott Fore 11/13 Steve Sinnicks 11/14 Jay Ungar 11/15 Andrew Morrison 11/16 Aisha Kahlil 11/17 David Amram 11/17 Michael Fitzpatrick 11/17 David Francey 11/17 Charles Mitchell |
11/18 Joel Fafard
11/18 Luke Stapleton 11/20 Rick Goldin 11/20 Adam McKenty 11/20 Jordan O’Connor 11/21 Gilberto Moretti-Hamilton 11/21 Larry Long 11/21 Saul Broudy 11/22 Emily Burgess 11/22 David Eisner 11/23 Corin Raymond 11/25 Liam Fennecken 11/25 Ross Griffiths 11/26 Natalie Bohrn 11/26 Tim S. Jennings 11/27 Alex Rubin 11/28 Tom Neilson 11/29 Kate Early 11/29 Andre Roy 11/29 Galen Weston 11/30 Alastair Whitehead |
In Solidarity,
AFM Local 1000