Local 1000 May 2018 Newsletter
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
This is our regular monthly email newsletter that goes out to everyone in the first week of each month. It includes reminders, member news and important announcements from the Executive Board and the office.
News from the Executive Board
Local 1000 Member Gathering / Great Labor Arts Exchange
Local 1000 is celebrating 25 years and to mark the occasion we will be partnering with the Great Labor Arts Exchange (GLAE), where Local 1000 was born those many years ago. We will be presenting a stream of programming as part of the GLAE annual gathering in Silver Spring, MD from Thursday June 21 – Sunday June 24, 2018. On Sunday, after the gathering is over, we will hold a member retreat and gathering for the day, followed by a party.
Local 1000 Member Retreat/Great Labor Arts Exchange
Thurs., Jun 21 – Sun Jun 24, 2018
Tommy Douglas Conference Centre
Silver Spring, MD 20903
Local 1000 will be at the Southeast Regional Folk Alliance (SERFA ). We will once again be running the Showcase-Free Zone in the lobby of the hotel, hosted by Local 1000 members, and we will be leading a panel on the benefits of the union on Thursday at 1:45. See you there!
The conference will take place May 16-20, 2018 in Montreat, NC.
Showcase Free Zone Schedule
Where: Assembly Inn Lobby
Thurs 10 – 11:30 — Karen Oliver
Thurs 11:30 – 12:30— Andy Cohen
Fri 10:30 – 11:30— Scott Berwick
Fri 11:30 – 12:30— Tret Fure
Sat 10:30 – 11:30— Bill & Eli Perras
Sat 11:30 – 12:30— Mara Levine
More information at www.serfa.org
Together we can raise $12,500!
Local 1000 is 25 years old! It’s hard to believe but it’s true. This year Local 1000, the non-geographical “local” of the American Federation of Musicians, will mark 25 years of providing access to the pension fund, contract protection, instrument insurance and more, along the way creating an incredible community among touring folk and roots musicians.
Any way you look at it this is an amazing feat: 25 Years. Twenty-Five Years. 9,131 days! 1,300 weekends of gig availability.
To celebrate, we’re launching a fundraising campaign we call $25 for 25 years. Five $5 bills. 25 Years. $1 a year. This is an affordable way to say thank you and pay it forward in support of the ongoing work of the organization that is dedicated to supporting us in our careers. A gift of $25, one dollar for each of the years that our union local has been active.
What do you think? If each of our 500 members gives the minimum of $25, together we can raise $12,500!
Make a special donation of $1 for every year our local has been supporting traveling musicians in the US & Canada.
Go one step more: Add $1 for every year you’ve been a member.
Boost your Business Sense – May Cyber Union Call
Join Vi Wickam, our Secretary Treasurer, as he walks us through several ideas that can boost your music. The call will focus on strategies for making more money, how to improve getting your music out into the world and ways to more effectively manage the business side of our work.
Time: May 15, 2018 8:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/905567302
Or iPhone one-tap : US: +16465588656, 905567302# or +16699006833, 905567302#
Or Telephone:
- US: +1 646 558 8656 or +1 669 900 6833
- Canada: +1 647 558 0588
Meeting ID: 905 567 302
International numbers available here: https://zoom.us/u/cDXnfxNnp
Proposed Dues Increase
The Executive Board is recommending an increase of $5 a year for Local 1000 membership dues, effective October 1, 2018. This would bring annual membership dues to US$177 per year. Dues have not been increased since 2013. Over the past year, we have significantly cut some costs and we are keeping a close eye on all of our spending. Despite these measures, it is challenging for Local 1000 to cover expenses. We are one of the largest locals in the union without a major collective bargaining agreement, such as a symphony, and because the majority of our members don’t regularly file contracts, we do not have the work dues income that other similarly-sized locals benefit from. The dues increase will help us cover our basic costs and keep the office running more smoothly for members.
The dues increase will be voted on by the membership at our June membership meeting in Silver Spring, MD.
Proposed Scales Increase
Our scales committee, in collaboration with the executive board, is also recommending changes to scale wages. We have not increased scale, which sets the minimum wages for contracted gigs since 2012. Members are always free to negotiate fees above scale.
The new scale wages would be:
$250 for solo concert (currently $230)
$120 for solo small concert (currently $110)
$75 for solo opener (currently $70)
$120 for leader of ensemble at a small venue (currently $110)
$60 for a side player of an ensemble at a small venue. (currently $55)
All other scales would remain the same.
The increase in scale wages will be voted on by the membership at our June meeting in Silver Spring, MD. Thanks to our scales committee, chaired by Joe Jencks, for their work!
2018 Membership Meetings
There will be two more membership meetings in 2018. Mark your calendars and plan to attend!
Jun 24, 2018 – Great Labor Arts Exchange, Silver Spring, MD
Nov 8 or 9, 2018 – Northeast Regional Folk Alliance, Stamford, CT
Canadian Corner
P2 Updates
The CFM is now advising Canadian members applying for P2 visas to get their application in at least 75 days before the first engagement.
If you are applying, please make sure you download the latest application, which can be found here:
English: http://www.cfmusicians.org/services/work-permits
French: http://www.cfmusicians.org/services/permis-de-travail
Please contact Canadian VP Kev Corbett or the CFM for more information.
Member News
Do you have a new album coming out? Did you recently receive an award?
If you have exciting news to share with Local 1000 members, we want to know. Submit Your News Here!
Local 1000 Membership Update
We are excited to welcome the following new and recently reinstated members to Local 1000!
New and Reinstated Members
Michael Glick
Lisa Hodgson
Stephen Jenkinson
May Birthdays
Finally, we would like to wish the following members Happy Birthday! If your birthday falls in May and you don’t see it listed below, or if the date is incorrect, please send an email to our Birthday Bunny, Deborah Van Kleef with your birthdate, current phone number and email address.
05/01 Taylor Ashton
05/01 Carson Hodges 05/02 Carl Fichtenbaum 05/02 Nadine Landry 05/03 Dana Lyons 05/04 David Newland 05/05 Aaron Fowler 05/05 John Roberts 05/05 Tanya Tagaq Gillis 05/06 Dave Fry 05/07 Donna Mullhollan 05/08 Chet Gardiner 05/10 Andrew Woods 05/11 Ansam Al-Sarraj 05/11 Sean Pinchin 05/11 Joel Rafael 05/12 Jon Cobert 05/12 Guy Davis 05/13 Jimmy Keane 05/14 Ieva McKenty 05/14 Lucie Tremblay 05/15 Neil Elsmore 05/15 Amber Rogers 05/15 Fred Gosbee 05/15 Gregory Hoskins |
05/16 Michael McGeary
05/16 Rob Szabo 05/18 Kyle Sullivan 05/19 Vi Wickam 05/20 Didi Negron 05/20 Chuck Brodsky 05/21 Kim Harris 05/22 Boyd MacKenzie 05/23 John Pitera 05/24 Chloe Charles 05/24 Chloe Watkinson 05/25 George Mann 05/25 Dave McCann 05/25 Carrie Newcomer 05/26 Shawna Caspi 05/27 Michael Celia 05/27 Charlie King 05/27 Samantha Martin 05/28 Simeon Abbot 05/28 Daniel Peloquin-Hopfner 05/29 Brandi Disterheft 05/30 JT Brown 05/30 Jeni Hankins 05/31 Kenneth Advocat 05/31 Peter Yarrow |
In Solidarity,