Local 1000 January 2017 Newsletter
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
This is our regular monthly email newsletter that goes out to everyone in the first week of each month. It includes reminders, member news and important announcements from the Executive Board and the office.
News from the Executive Board
Message from Vi Wickam, Secretary Treasurer
It’s an honor and pleasure to serve you this next term as your Local 1000 Secretary Treasurer. Thank you for your support in electing me to this position. And, special thanks to Amber Rogers who will be assisting me with the Secretary duties. I wouldn’t be able to take this on without her assistance. And, I would be remiss to not mention Scott Berwick and his dedication to Local 1000 in this position.
It is my intent to help push Local 1000 forward in our mission to benefit you as our members. I have some exciting ideas for increasing awareness and money to our organization and membership. You will be seeing and hearing more about these ideas in the coming year. Onward ever upward!
Vi Wickam
Local 1000 will be at Folk Alliance International
Join Local 1000 at this year’s Folk Alliance International conference in Kansas City on February 15-19, 2017.
We will continue our tradition of hosting the evening Showcase Free Zone where all are invited to share a song in the circle. Come by and say hi! We will host each night of the conference with Wednesday night being at 10:30 p.m. Thursday night our hosts will be John McCutcheon and Greg Greenway. Friday will be Aaron Fowler and Joe Jencks. Saturday will be hosted by Tret Fure and Jeremy Kittel.
Each session has a theme so check the schedule when you get there for specific theme and time for each circle. We will be in room 639 again this year, so come by and say hi and check out our booth in the convention hall, number 608.
We will also have a raffle drawing for a Deering Vega Ling Neck Banjo signed by both Pete and Peggy Seeger. More information is below.
Membership Meeting at FAI, February 15th
We will have a membership meeting at Folk Alliance on Wednesday February 15th at 4:00-6:00 p.m. All Local 1000 members are welcome and encouraged to attend. Pizza will be available for all who RSVP to Aaron Fowler by Tuesday February 13th at 6:00 p.m. He can be reached at 316.207.4715 or email your pizza request to aaron@aaronfowler.org
Local 1000 Raffle: Deering Vega Long Neck Banjo signed by Pete and Peggy Seeger
Don’t forget to buy your ticket for the Local 1000 Banjo signed by Pete and Peggy Seeger! Tickets are $50 each, and we will only be selling 230 tickets (in celebration of 23 years of Local 1000.)
This raffle is open to the public, and there is a limit of 10 tickets per person. The winner will be drawn in February 2017 at the Folk Alliance Conference in Kansas City.
Tickets can be purchased by sending a check to the Local 1000 office or in-person through a Local 1000 representative at upcoming regional conferences.
This would make a great holiday gift!
Click here for more information
Cyber Union Hall Gatherings
We will start off 2017 with a Songwriters Session. Our President Tret Fure will share her experience as a touring songwriter. Tret has been composing since she was 16 years old and has lots of wisdom to share about the craft of song writing. She teaches several songwriting workshop throughout the year as well as teaching privately. Join us for this informative session. 9:00 p.m. Eastern 8:00 p.m. Central, 7:00 p.m. Mountain, 6:00 p.m. Pacific.
If you have not been on one of our Cyber Union calls it is simple. Just follow the link below, download the plug-in at Zoom (1 minute download) and you are in! If you have questions please feel free to call Aaron Fowler, 316-207-4715.
Topic: Local 1000 January 2017 Cyber Union Hall
Time: Jan 17, 2017 8:00 PM (GMT-6:00) Central Time (US and Canada)
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/368343407
Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +16465588656,368343407# or +14086380968,368343407#
Or Telephone: +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) or +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll)
Canada Member call: +1 647 558 0588
Meeting ID: 368 343 407
Other International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=G3A6I3V82YFv4GdbpPrmy0GM_QvcVUy3
The UnNaugural Concert
On Friday, January 20th, several of our Local 1000 members will be part of an alternative concert called “The Un-Naugural Concert” This concert will feature Sweet Honey in the Rock, Brother Sun (Joe Jencks, Greg Greenway, and Pat Wictor), Emma’s Revolution (Pat Humphries and Sandy O), myself and Josh White Jr. All but Josh White Jr are Local 1000 members. It is produced by Cheryl Kagan, who runs one of our premiere Fair Folk Venues. Charlie Pilzer is the production manager. It will be a Local 1000 contracted event and profits will go to ACLU, Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, National LGBTQ Task Force, Planned Parenthood and League of Conservative Voters. Kudos to Cheryl Kagan for putting this together and all the people involved in presenting this sold out concert! More information is available at www.unnaugural.org
Tret Fure
Emergency Relief Fund
Please consider helping your brothers and sisters who may need assistance in the near future by making a small contribution to the ERF when you renew your membership or go to www.Local1000.org and make your donation. $5 or $10 dollars will go a long way if enough members make donations.
Canadian Corner
P2 Situation Updates
We are sorry to have to let you know that as of December 23, 2016, the US Customs and Immigration Service (USCIS) has decided to increase the fees for all O and P visa petitions by 42% from US $325 to US $460.
More Information is Available Here
The Canadian Federation of Musicians (CFM) is now advising Canadian members applying for P2 visas to get their application in at least 120 days before the first engagement. This is a continually changing situation and we are doing our best to keep members up to date with the latest information. We know that it is a frustrating and expensive process and we wish we could bring you better news.
There have been changes to the P2 forms posted on the CFM website. If you are applying, please make sure you download the latest application, which can be found here:
English: http://www.cfmusicians.org/services/work-permits
French: http://www.cfmusicians.org/services/permis-de-travail
Please contact Canadian VP Eve Goldberg or the CFM for more information.
Save The Dates!
Folk Alliance 2017: February 15-19, 2017, Kansas City, MO
Local 1000 Membership Meeting: February 15, 2017, Kansas City, MO
January Birthdays
Finally, we would like to wish the following members Happy Birthday! If your birthday falls in January and you don’t see it listed below, or if the date is incorrect, please send an email to our Birthday Bunny, Deborah Van Kleef with your birthdate, current phone number and email address.
01/01 Jan Seides
01/01 Laura Velasquez
01/03 Joanna Chapman-Smith
01/03 Marc Doucet
01/03 Louise Robinson
01/04 Zachary Lucky
01/05 Tom Juravich
01/05 Dana Whittle
01/05 Arnie Naiman
01/06 David Myers
01/07 Bryan Bray
01/07 Chris Bricker
01/07 Jon Fedorsen
01/09 Art Isaacs
01/09 Michael Lane
01/10 Cindy Kallet
01/12 Kat Burns
01/14 Dave Hawkins
01/15 Robert McKenty
01/15 Ann Zimmerman
01/16 Mark Stuart
01/18 Beth Cahill
01/20 Daniel Boling
01/20 David Jack
01/21 Joe Uehlein
01/22 Chris Koldewey
01/22 Karin Stein
01/23 Sandra Andina
01/25 Graydon James
01/26 Bob Lusk
01/27 Pat Wictor
01/27 Grey Larsen
01/28 Darryl Cherney
01/28 Brian LeBlanc
01/31 Greg Arnold
In Solidarity,
AFM Local 1000