Music and Social Change Movements
Music has always played an important role in social change, from the labor union picket lines to the streets and jails during the civil rights movement. Many of our members have been at the forefront of this very important work.
Join our very own Charlie King, Sandy Opatow, Pat Humphries, Greg Artzner and Terry Leonino as they share their stories and give practical wisdom on how to engage in this work. There will be time for questions and sharing some of your stories. Join us February 19th 8:30 pm Eastern, 7:30 pm Central, 6:30 pm Mountain, 5:30 pm Pacific.
Send your questions to Aaron Fowler at and he will pass them along to the presenters.
To join, click below or dial in by phone:
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+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
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In Solidarity,
AFM Local 1000