Please see below some details about our latest release.
Artist: Fear of Drinking
Album: Live in Zurich
label: Big City
If you would like to listen to the songs please go here:
Tim Readman is a musician, songwriter, producer and music journalist originally from County Durham, England. Songwriter and guitarist, Gerard Kerr, is from Southland, New Zealand. They met in Vancouver BC and formed Canadian Celtic/folk favourites Fear of Drinking, whose energetic live act became very popular in the 1990’s as they played folk clubs, night spots, pubs, chip shops, laundromats and folk festivals across Canada and the USA. They recorded three albums, which garnered considerable airplay and built their reputation for humour and harmony with their folk songs about coal, sheep and love gone bad. Although they officially came off the road in 2000, they have since reformed to play the odd show when the fancy takes them.
This recording was made during their legendary 1999 European tour and was the only time this particular line-up ever played together. (You may ask why … but that’s another story altogether.) It was thought to be lost, after sound engineer Ueli Brunner’s Chuchichäschtli studio, where the tapes were kept, was burgled. However it later transpired that the tape had been put into the wrong box. This was only revealed when Ueli was searching for another recording and played the tape, in the mistaken belief it contained a sketch by Swiss-German comedian Bruno Büezer. Frantic phone calls were made, couriers were enlisted and the precious Ampex 2 track master tape was soon winging its way to Vancouver BC (in the Canadian part of what Ueli refers to as ‘Ausland’) where it was lovingly coaxed into its full glory, and made ready to be digitally preserved for your delectation. “Das Leben ist voller Überraschungen” as they say in Zurich.