PETER ALSOP is a nationally known singer/songwriter, lecturer and humorist from California. He has a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and he is a Certified Experiential Therapist. His songs are used by thousands of parents, doctors, educators and other human service professionals to help families discuss sensitive issues such as sexual abuse, disabilities, loss and grief, codependency, self-worth, chemical dependency and family violence. Peter has worked as the Director of the Harbor Schools Residential Treatment Center for emotionally disturbed adolescents in Maine, and taught elementary school in the South Bronx ghetto. He’s lectured and performed at more than 400 colleges and universities and been on the faculty of many prestigious national conferences with such notable professionals as Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Benjamin Spock and Buckminster Fuller. He’s traveled extensively throughout the United States and Canada, Southeast Asia, Australia, Central America, and Europe presenting and performing at conferences, festivals, rallies, and concerts. As a writer, producer and actor, he’s done a feature film, musical comedy, directed and edited music videos, and has completed twenty albums, four songbooks and six dvds. His children's albums consistently win "Best Children's Album" of the year awards from Parent's Choice or the National Association of Independent Record Distributors. His songs are included on anthologies, in filmstrips, dvd's, movies and television programs. Peter now lives with his wife, actress/director Ellen Geer in Topanga, California. For more information, check out his website at