We are pleased to partner with the Standing ‘O’ Project to offer a “fair trade” music-streaming platform to our members!
The Standing ‘O’ Project is an online streaming community created by the folks at the public radio program, Art of the Song. The project was developed as a way to help musicians connect with fans and for fans to support musicians financially.
This new business model pays artists for inviting fans into the community, not for how many streams they get. When an artist gets a fan to subscribe for $5, $10, or $20 a month (a pay-what-you-can model), a full 50% goes directly back to the artist every month. In a time when most streaming services pay only a fraction of a penny per play, the Standing ‘O’ Project is an excellent way for artists to share their music and create a meaningful revenue stream.
Standing ‘O’ Project membership is free for artists.
When you join with this link https://yi117.isrefer.com/go/artist/local1000/ the folks at Standing ‘O’ will contribute 10% (out of their share) to the Local 1000 Emergency Relief Fund.