The UnNaugural Concert
On Friday, January 20th, several of our Local 1000 members will be part of an alternative concert called “The Un-Naugural Concert.” This concert will feature Sweet Honey in the Rock, Brother Sun (Joe Jencks, Greg Greenway, and Pat Wictor), Emma’s Revolution (Pat Humphries and Sandy O), myself and Josh White Jr. All but Josh White Jr are Local 1000 members. It is produced by Cheryl Kagan, who runs one of our premiere Fair Folk Venues. Charlie Pilzer is the production manager. It will be a Local 1000 contracted event and profits will go to ACLU, Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, National LGBTQ Task Force, Planned Parenthood and League of Conservation Voters. Kudos to Cheryl Kagan for putting this together and all the people involved in presenting this sold out concert! More information is available at
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