Visit the payment page to pay online with a credit card or to create a transaction that will be paid by check.
Annual dues
2020 Annual dues are $188 USD for USA members and $180 USD for Canadian members but may be paid quarterly for $52 USD per quarter for USA members and $50 USD for Canadian members ($20 more than if paid annually). These are shared with the Federation.
Canadians pay equivalent amounts at the current exchange rate. You can find the rate by going to If you pay in U.S. dollars from a Canadian bank account, please use a check with U.S. Funds printed on them. (Our bank will not accept checks with that term handwritten.)
Work dues
Work dues are paid for each job performed under a union contract. These funds stay with the Local. These are the Local’s sole source of income. The more Local 1000 members file contracts and pay work dues, the better we are able to serve our members and grow.
Work dues are 2.5% of scale wages on every job for which you file a contract. Suppose, for example, you perform a small concert, for which the scale is $110. Your work dues for this gig are 2.5% of $110, or $2.75.
Once you begin filing contracts we will invoice you for work dues on a regular basis.
Initiation fees
When you join the AFM you pay an initiation fee of $100.00 U.S. This fee is reduced to $35.00 U.S. if you are a member in good standing of another AFM local at the time you join. (Your two memberships must overlap. If you resign a geographical local before joining Local 1000, you will not receive this discount.)
NOTE: You pay no initiation fee if you belong to an ensemble with two or more members, and you all join at the same time. If some band members already belong to the union, this provision applies to the rest of the group.